Packed with a flavor-rich variety of prebuilt sites for restaurants, cafés & confectionery shops

Drew’s delicious layouts were especially designed to make your restaurant, café or sweet shop irresistible.

inner pages

Custom-made inner pages for contacts, reservations, introductions, & more


Simply connect your new website with your OpenTable profile and you're good to go


Equipped with everything you need for your online shop and blog. From stunning inbuilt blog templates to wonderful shop lists and product singles


Compatible with the most popular page builder - Elementor, the free easy to use drag&drop editor plugin


Drew lets you easily create captivating menus for your offers. Share your signature courses and drinks in great detail

1-click Import

With the one-click import feature you get the entire Drew demo content in only a second, no coding needed

Colorful and scrumptious! We designed Drew for all cafés, restaurants & confectionery shops.